Hi everyone
After a lot of research I have finally found a solution to this problem.
Custom element code:
class CSVDownloader extends HTMLElement {
static get observedAttributes() {
return ['csv-data'];
attributeChangedCallback(name, oldValue, newValue) {
if (name === 'csv-data') {
this.csvContent = newValue;
this.querySelector('#download-button').style.display = 'block'; // Zeigt den Button an
constructor() {
this.innerHTML = `
/* Disregard */
<button id="download-button" style="display:none;">Daten herunterladen</button>
this.querySelector('#download-button').addEventListener('click', () => this.downloadCSV());
downloadCSV() {
let encodedUri = encodeURI("data:text/csv;charset=utf-8," + this.csvContent);
let link = document.createElement("a");
link.setAttribute("href", encodedUri);
link.setAttribute("download", "Your_File_Name.csv");
customElements.define("csv-downloader", CSVDownloader);
import wixData from 'wix-data';
export function exportButton_onClick(event) {
.limit (1000)
.then(results => {
let csvContent = "Field1,Field2,Field3,Field4\n"; // CSV-Header Names
// Datenzeilen hinzufĂĽgen
results.items.forEach(item => {
let row = `"${item.field1}","${item.field2}","${item.field3}","${item.field4}"\n`; // Passen Sie die Felder an Ihre Sammlung an
csvContent += row;
// Setzen des 'csv-data' Attributs am benutzerdefinierten Element
$w("#csvDownloader").setAttribute("csv-data", csvContent);
.catch(err => {
FYI: You need to have a regular Button “#exportButton ” on the same page as the custom element. The custom element is invisible.
Hope this helps someone
Another version from 2022…
Hi everyone !
I am trying to allow my users to download the filtered content of the dataset on their member’s page into a CSV file. I already managed to code the conversion of the content into a CSV string, now I would like to set up the behavior of a button that would would create a CSV file out of this string, and then download a CSV file when clicked.
Any idea ? i also thought of using an API that would send the file by email in the end, however I can’t find a proper API for that.
Thanks ! …
Alternative ???..
And what about here…(year → 2020) ?
Hi everyone,
here is a tutorial for how to export data collection to excel file using code.
To use this tutorial you need:
Install the package: “xlsx”
Button element
html element
web module - I called it excel.jsw
After installing the xlsx package, use this code for each element:
const XLSX = require('xlsx');
export function exportExcel(worksheet) {
var wb = XLSX.utils.book_new();
var ws_name = "SheetJS";
/* make worksheet */
var ws_data = worksheet;
var ws = XLSX.utils.a…
There are many ways of how to get the goal.
-What is different on your solution ?
-Which advantages do your solution provide?
-Something new?
Anyway good job!
Hey can you please help me with that ?
i cant see the download button…
class CSVDownloader extends HTMLElement {
static get observedAttributes() {
return ['csv-data'];
attributeChangedCallback(name, oldValue, newValue) {
console.log(`Attribute changed: ${name}, from: ${oldValue}, to: ${newValue}`);
if (name === 'csv-data') {
this.csvContent = newValue;
this.querySelector('#download-button').style.display = 'block'; // Show the button
console.log('CSV data updated, showing download button.');
constructor() {
console.log('CSVDownloader constructed.');
this.innerHTML = `
<button id="download-button" style="background-color: #4CAF50; border: none; color: white; padding: 15px 32px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; display: inline-block; font-size: 16px; margin: 4px 2px; cursor: pointer; border-radius: 8px;">Download</button>
this.querySelector('#download-button').addEventListener('click', () => this.downloadCSV());
console.log('Download button click event listener added.');
downloadCSV() {
console.log('Preparing to download CSV...');
let encodedUri = encodeURI("data:text/csv;charset=utf-8," + this.csvContent);
let link = document.createElement("a");
link.setAttribute("href", encodedUri);
link.setAttribute("download", "Your_File_Name.csv");
console.log('Downloading CSV...');
console.log('CSV downloaded.');
customElements.define("csv-downloader", CSVDownloader);
console.log('CSVDownloader custom element defined.');
front page:
export function exportButton_onClick(event) {
.limit (1000)
.then(results => {
let csvContent = "Field1,Field2,Field3,Field4\n"; // CSV-Header Names
// Datenzeilen hinzufĂĽgen
results.items.forEach(item => {
let row = `"${item.field1}","${item.field2}","${item.field3}","${item.field4}"\n`; // Passen Sie die Felder an Ihre Sammlung an
csvContent += row;
// Setzen des 'csv-data' Attributs am benutzerdefinierten Element
$w("#csvDownloader").setAttribute("csv-data", csvContent);
.catch(err => {
My button is called exportButton but i still cant see the download button.
You’ll have to add a regular Wix Button on the same page you added the custom element and then name it according to the code.
This is what I did on my page but I can’t see any button showing in the custom element: \
what can be the reason?
do I have to set attributes manually? or maybe change the custom file name?
Awesome stuff. Might also want to consider using a dataframe library like dataframe-js
. Then you can write a generic and reusable function that doesn’t need the field names customized for each collection.