I’m fairly new to Wix so I apologize if this is an obvious question or I generally seem confused. I very much would like to have my website behave like this:
-user clicks a download button
-site creates a pop up requesting a password
-if user enters correct password then they are redirected to the document/download of the document begins (either one of these is fine)
I see that wix will not allow the Javascript prompt function. I have tried a combination of lightboxes and forms but they don’t seem suited to what I’m trying to do. Is there a good way to do this?
Hi Carly,
First - welcome to Wix!! (I’m not a member of Wix staff - just a friendly community member)
From what I understand, you may just want to add a password to the page where your downloads are. If that’s the case, if you go into the settings for that page, you can change the “permissions.”
To do this - go to your Site Menu and click the “…” beside the page you want to change the settings for, then select Settings - and go to the tab for Permissions . You can select Password Holders here. From there, just type in a password.
Hope that’s what you’re looking for!
Hi, thank you! I’m familiar with that option but I want to have multiple downloads on the same page that each have individual passwords if possible.