Published page does not show results

I have the following;

  1. Collection of job applicants with collection ID: jobApplication072 currently with 11 entries.

  2. The collection are individually indexed from 1 to 11 (number field). Field key is “index”

  3. I put the collection on the page as #dataset1 but not connected. ( I think is optional to do this)

  4. I have a text heading1 named “#collectionIndex” to show the maximum index number.
    My code:
    import wixData from ‘wix-data’;
    $w.onReady( function () {
    $w(“#dataset1”).onReady(() => {
    } );
    function populateCalculatedFields() {
    .then( (results) => {
    let index = results.items[0].indexMax;
    $w(‘#collectionIndex’).text = ${index};
    The above works in preview. The text box “#collectionIndex” shows 11 as recorded in the console. But when I publish the page, there is no result in the text box. I have also tried event handler using a button_onClick without the $w(“#dataset1”).onReady code:
    export function buttonSvc_onClick(event) {
    } This code works in preview. Same when published: nothing.
    Am I missing something? Hope to find solutions from the community. Thanks.