Hello Guys,
Can you help me please? I’m a bit new to coding.
So I tried to collapse a box (and its content) on my page if the field in my database is empty.
I used this code:
$w.onReady( () => {
$w(" #dynamicDataset “).onReady( () => {
let item = $w(” #dynamicDataset “).getCurrentItem();
if (item.image) {
$w(” #image11 “).show();
} else {
$w(” #box11 ").collapse();
} );
} );
It almost worked out the way I wanted it. And then - I don’t know why - it suddenly wasn’t working out at all.
Now when I use this code, the box collapse, even if there is text to be shown. And this new error accured even if there is no code:
Loading the code for the site. To debug this code, open masterPage.js in Developer Tools.
Loading the code for the Aquarien-dynamisch (Title) page. To debug this code, open tak1k.js in Developer Tools.
Publisher ‘’ failed with error: ‘Failed to fetch’ TypeError: Failed to fetch
Thank you very much.