@andluism, @robyn, @info → we managed to find the problem, thanks to your examples!
So we rolled out a new code for the thank you page. We have updated the GitHub documentation and script, so feel free to copy-paste the new wix-code.js on your thank you page.
@Nicholas - thank you for the email with details. The problem you encounter may have something to do with the payments part, so we’ll investigate this as well.
So unfortunately it still doesn’t work for me, I just replaced the code and still no population of the relevant database. Is there any more information that you need to inspect?
So this means that it has to do with the payments part. We’ll look into it next week, hopefully. Have you tried it without payments? Disable the payments and make a submit → send me an email about it. This will help us find faster the problem → because if it works without the payment → than it’s because of the payment. If your form doesn’t work without the payment, then we have to investigate more and see what’s causing the failure. Thanks Nicholas!
How do you reference the fields in the 123FormBuilder db collection since the fields are named after the form question? For instance, one of the fields in my 123FormBuilder collection ended up being called “[Do you have a website?]” with a field ID of “Do you have a website?” when it imported after a form submission. I was not aware that field ID’s could have spaces
To clarify my question… I need to query and filter the 123FormBuilder collection when someone logs into my site as well as copy the data in the 123FormBuilder collection into another collection when they log in for the first time. However the following code doesn’t work:
Note: userEmail is defined as the current user’s email from login…
let currentApplicant = $w(“#dataset123Form”).getCurrentItem();
var ApplicantName = currentApplicant.$(“[id=Applicant Name]”); <============= Doesn’t Work
var FunFact = currentApplicant.$(“[id=Tell us a Fun Fact about you]”); <========= Doesn’t Work
After the code was updated on GitHub, the following code now allows for sending payment enabled form data to databases Mega thank you! I don’t know how y’all do it but this is super cool!
So if you were to update to the new form editor 123FormBuilder has just released, it looks like you will have problems with collecting the form data. I was unable to collect form data and had to revert back to the older editor. Just letting everybody know as of today!
@Nick, sorry for the late reply. Just seen the notification! Indeed, there was a problem with the Payments and the New Editor, but we’ve rolled out some fixes. The submissions appears in the Database just after the payment was completed and we’ve added a new column with the amount. If the payment is not completed, the submission is not sent to the database. You can duplicate the form, switch it to the new Editor and make a test. If you still encounter problems, please send me an email with details, so we can further look into it ;). Thanks!
Dorina, I just tried to email you but I got a failed delivery notification back. Whenever I test the form (on my phone or computer) the data comes through immediately, but when someone in the general public submits the form, the data doesn’t come through. Do you have any suggestions? I checked everything you mentioned above.
I’ve been trying to follow along with this and got this code from GitHub. As instructed, I put these lines of code, https-functions.js in a folder in the Backend. The lines at the bottom with the ** at the beginning are the ones throwing errors; responseOptions & badRequest are undefined. Where/how do I define them or is there something else I must do which will solve the problem?
Thank you, Ken
import {created, badRequeqt} from ‘wix-http-functions’; import wixData from ‘wix-data’;
export function post_submit123FormData( request )
{ let responseOptons = {
“headers”: {
“content-Type”: “application/json”
“body” : null
return request.body.json()
.then( ( body ) =>
{ if ( body.collection.indexOf(‘123FormBuilder’) === -1 ) { throw new Error( ‘Invalid Request Source.’ );
Wix seems to have changed the rules for naming a database collection. The collection name cannot start with a number. What was recommended by the Wix support team was to use an underscore for the first character of the collection name. As such, would the indexOf function need to now be “_123FormBuilder…”. If so, will the integration code still be functional?
Hi, currently experiencing the same problem… never been so close to actual live database, and I am sure solution is going to be within the .js file code… Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Any idea why I’m seeing the following on the dev console for the Thank You page code?
Cannot find module 'wix-http-functions in ‘public/pages/nm9io.js’.
Loading the code for the Thank You Quote page. To debug this code, open nm9.io.js in Developer Tools.
@contact53319 I thought this would be the answer, as I totally understand the logic behind it, however it didn’t work again… Scrapped the form, started from scratch and it still won’t connect to the database. Is it possible that some form are not suitable for it, if the have a signature field for example?