So my forum/site has option to Sign up/Log in with Email or Facebook/Google I was wondering if they use Log In for their first time using Facebook or Google, does that automatically create them an account? I ask because I’ve seen some members who comment or make posts who are not in the members area. I find that important because there are members who might need to be blocked or removed if they are trouble makers. It concerns me that they can just come back anytime if I cant block them. I’d like to keep the option for Facebook/Google log in if it creates them an account so me or the mods can take action if needed. Or is there a way to remove the Facebook/Google log in option but can still use it for sign up? Ty in advance
If you allow registration through Google/FB, they can also log in this way, there’s no way to change it. However, even if they don’t appear in the member’s area, they should still have an entry in the PrivateMembersData collection so you can create a new dashboard module for your mods using the wixData and wixUsers APIs.