Radio button order is not the same as dataset order

Hi, I’m having an issue with the radio buttons to filter CMS content.
The specific issue is that the order in which the option are listed do not reflected the order that the collection is sorted by.

Wix Studio

What are you trying to achieve:
For a little bit of context, I have a page that has a repeater that shows events, and those events can be filtered by date (listed by the radio buttons) and by place (listed by a dropdown) there is no need for sorted data in the dropdown so I won’t include any more information regarding the dropdown below.

I have the radio buttons connected to the same dataset that the repeater is using. The radio buttons and the dropdown are correctly filtering the data from the dataset (and the repeater) based on date and place. My collection from the CMS is already sorted by date and all the events show up sorted.

However, the radio buttons (coming from the same sorted dataset) are NOT in order.
From what I can see, it seems the dates in the radio buttons are sorted by ID (which I do not control).

To understand better, here’s how my collection is setup (it’s not ideal due to wix’s limitations):
I have a collection for all the events in which

  • I have a date field that is a reference to a date collection (Date) - used to list all possible dates)
  • I have a date-time field (Date et heure (interne)) - used to order item by date and time in the repeater)

Note: the site is in French, but you can understand the date part, the word are almost the same.

Screenshot from the site: on the top left is the radio buttons, and below is the repeater. I have also included the dataset settings

What have you already tried:
I tried many different way to sort the dataset, which all result in the same thing: the data in the repeater is sorted, but not the radio buttons

  1. Sort the dataset that’s loaded on the page.
  2. No sorting on the dataset loaded in the page, but sort directly in the collection and set as “mirror on site”

What I want

Is there any way to control the order in which the item appear in the radio buttons?

Thank you!

Hi, have you found a solution for this? I have the same issue. What’s more, I want to remove the “all” option and see no method to do it.

This makes the whole CMS and radio button feature really limited…

Hi there!

No I didn’t find any solution to this problem. Wix is indeed pretty limited… I switched to a custom front-end with Wordpress to make this work. Hope you find something that works for you!