Random Link Button

Hello, I have looked on the internet for this code and tried every single person’s code and nothing seems to work. I’m copying a code that I found that seems to be on the right track, yet when implemented, the button is not clickable.

I want to have a button that when a user clicks the button, it opens up a random link from the list in a new tab. I want the button to open up a different random link each time the button is clicked. Here is the code that I tried:

import   wixLocation from'wix-location';let allUrls =[
"http://www.cameronsworld. net",
"http://www.pictureofhotdog. com",
"http://www.breadfish. nl",
"http://www.catwig. com",
"http://www.loopedforinfinity. com",
"http://www.existentialcrisis. com",
"http://www.gurka. se"]

;exportfunction button3_click(event){

let randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random()*(allUrls.length -1));
 $w("#button3").link   = allUrls[randomIndex];

Note that I had to “break” the links since this forum was not allowing me put links in my post.

Thank you if you are able to fix this code!!

Where did you copy this code from? It’s not on the right track at all and there are many errors.

For information on correct usage of the button’s link property, see the link API . Also, refer to the documentation on wixLocation.to() .

Your button click event handler should look something like this (not tested):

export function button3_click(event) {
    let randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * (allUrls.length - 1));
    let link = allUrls[randomIndex];