Read/Write Datasets with Custom Forms Not Working - use Corvid?

I have a custom form with user data. Users can continually update it. I would expect that when they first go to it, it will be blank. They enter data and it’s saved in the database. Then every time they come back to it, it is filled out already with their saved data. This seems like basic functionality. Yet, it doesn’t work as was mentioned on several posts in this forum because the first time the record doesn’t exist.

So, it seems like I need Corvid to accomplish this. I’m trying to avoid using Corvid as much as possible. My question is what do I need to make this work? I can’t find a really good post on the Corvid that’s needed.


Something like this then in this tutorial.
Simply just change the user inputs to whatever you are needing.

Or something like this example for a repeater,
Again just change the user inputs for what you are wanting.

@givemeawhisky , thanks for your comment. I think between both of these, I can come up with the solution for my current situation and other ones. Thank you!