Reciving email from custom form submission

Hey there! I’m having this issue with my custom wix form.
So I created my custom form, connected it to a dataset with serveral user input elements and it worky very well, but I can’t figure out how could I recive an email from submissions.
We use the form to get the customer’s private data, like name, ID number etc. ~25 fields.
I was digging up the internet and found some posts:
I tried my best but none of those working for me. I’m not really good at coding, but I had a cousre in Uni a few years ago. I hope someone has a simple solution, because I’m planning to migrate my domain from my old website, and I really need this working ASAP.

Please somebody help me out!

Sorry for the bad English :wink:


If you want to use the Wix tutorial for sending an email on form submission, then just simply go through it slowly one step at a time as shown here.

If you are really struggling with it all then take a look at Nayeli (Code Queen) youtube video about it on her own channel here.

If you want simple, then look at using Wix Automations or Wix Triggered Emails.

Thanks a lot for the quick response. Just 1 more question: Do I need to have my own domain for Sendgrid? I just cant get it working… Any tutorials?
Thank you!

No you don’t need a domain with SendGrid, you just need to setup an account with them and you can easily go for the free option and use them for free. - ;ool at the free option here, no cost involved in using them.

The only thing that I would advise you to do is to setup server authentication as shown in this SendGrid support page.

Finally, note that this tutorial will only send to certain email addresses.
Using SendGrid to send emails from certain email providers may not work as expected. For example, see this notification about sending from Gmail addresses.

We had to get Wix to put this on the tutorial as it was clearly stated in SendGrid support pages, however not mentioned in Wix and so we had multiple posts through this forum for Wix users not getting emails through and expecting the Wix Corvid Forum to fix it for them, when it was in fact a SendGrid issue and nothing to do with Wix.

The actual Wix tutorial

Plus these two youtube videos for Wix Code Experts Nayeli and Michael.

Thanks a lot guys! It’s working now! :wink: