Red border around input text boxes and dropdown?

Is there a way to chan

ge the red border color around input text boxes?

Refer attached image for example

You can do that using the Text Box’s Design settings:
Customize Design → Border → Opacity & Color


Thank you for your response.

No matter what “Opacity and Color” I choose the screen at run-time shows the red border.The border color changes to the selected border color only when I select the input box for data entry. How do I change the default run-time color for the input box when not selected?

Below are images for your reference…

Ok, I did notice that this being caused by below onReady function of the form,
Any idea where I change the default red color ?

$w.onReady(function () {
//TODO: write your page related code here…

Please note that by default an input box is set to “Required” (in Settings panel). If you reset its value to an empty string, the border turns red to note that the value is invalid.
You could either get rid of the code the sets the value to an empty string or mark the input box as not Required:

Perfect , this is exactly what I was looking for.

Thank you so much Ohad.