Redirect my dynamic pages to different local pages?

Hi there, anyone can help!?

I have created the dynamic pages with a button and want to redirect user to another different local pages, e.g. dynamic page A → local page A, and dynamic page B → local page B…etc.

In order to do that, I have created a field with URL filed type in the database to do the link, and
I tried with “/page A” because is local page, but it ask me change to full URL.

So anyone can advise me what should i fill in the URL field column in database for local pages?


currently our URL type only supports global URLS. But here is a trick you could do:

  1. Use Text type instead of URL
  2. Instead of data binding navigate using code. In button click handler just$w('#dynamicDataset').getCurrentItem().urlField)

I hope this helps. Let me know!

Hi Giedrius, thanks a lot! use text type is just fine. thanks!