Refreshing Dataset Table Without Doubling Data?


How do I correctly update the view of the data in the table after the underlying collection data changes?


wix-dataset, table repeaters

What are you trying to achieve:

I have a table repeater wired up to a CMS collection. I would like to refresh the data in the table after certain events (mostly after closing lightboxes that add rows to (or edit rows in) the dataset, but I also added a button with an onClick to the same function.)

I figured that I’d need to refresh the dataset as well (though I strongly suspect that’s also the cause of my issue), here’s my function:

export function refreshData(event) {
	return $w("#volunteerReadWrite").refresh().then(() => $w("#timeTable").refresh());

When I click the “Refresh Data” button (calling that function), it doubles up the data. I would expect nothing to change since the underlying collection has not changed.



What have you already tried:

I thought I might work around this oddity by deleting the rows in the table before refreshing it. Unsurprisingly, this removes the old records, but the .refresh() doesn’t add the new version(s).

export function refreshData(event) {
	return 	$w("#volunteerReadWrite").refresh().then(() => {
		const table = $w("#timeTable");
		// Not sure why I need to clear out old values, but it is definitely doubling up
		table.rows = [];
		return table.refresh();

And finally, I tried just updating the table itself, without updating the underlying dataset, and that didn’t do anything, as expected.

export function refreshData(event) {
	return table.refresh();

I’m at a loss to figure out what I should be doing differently from what I am doing.

Additional information:

This is for a dashboard page for admins to add records to the collection to be used in backend reporting tasks that are working already.

The collection is fairly straightforward:

Screenshot 2024-08-15 at 8.56.30 AM

The Member column field is a Reference to the Members/FullData collection.

Obviously, the doubling is in display only, the data in the collection is not doubled up.

It appears that this was caused exacerbated by my turning on the “Fetch pages using cursors” setting on the Dataset.

Disabling that setting has solved the issue.

The issue is still happening, just less frequently now. Which is even more infuriating. I have not discovered the rhyme nor reason as to when it correctly updates the table and when it doubles it up.

It seems like you are refreshing both the Dataset and Table Element after the data has changed.

As a Dataset is a adapter that controls what page elements do with collection data (display, add, modify), you only need to refresh the dataset to correctly display the new data after a change.

Try the following:

export function refreshData(event) {
	$w('#dataset1').refresh(); //Replace "#dataset1" with actual Dataset ID
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Thanks, that makes sense. I could have sworn I started with that, but added the table refresh when it did not do what I expected.

I’ve pared it back to just refresh the dataset, and it’s still doubling up the data in the display on a refresh.

I had originally used a read / write dataset because I was going to edit the records on the page, but since I’ve moved all that to Lightboxes, I may try with a read-only dataset and see if that helps.

Well, that plus paring back the refresh to only the dataset seems to have solved my problem. It seems like it might be a bug in the read/write dataset that .refresh() doesn’t work as expected, but fortunately that’s not a problem for me with my current setup.