Remove custom profile (form submission data) when member cancels reoccurring plan

I’m using Wix Editor and have created a collection that stores a custom profile card for members who have purchased a reoccurring pricing plan. Once they fill out the input fields (profile), it automatically goes live on the site. Is there a way to automatically remove their data from the collection if they cancel their plan? I’m new to velo coding so any help will be greatly appreciated!

Use onOrderCanceled - Velo API Reference - event function along with a wixdata query. Quickest way is to use a boolean value in your custom CMS to be un-ticked. Which can then be used as a filter in your repeater.

You’d also have to use onOrderCreated - Velo API Reference - to tick the boolean field as true so that it shows up once they’ve paid again

Thanks so much for your reply. Do you know of any examples showing how to do this?