Repeater Alignment issue

Trying to align containers in repeater to the left side of the page
Here is the current code for the page:

import wixWindow from ‘wix-window’ ;
import wixData from ‘wix-data’ ;

$w.onReady( function () {
//TODO: write your page related code here…

function filterRepeater( $item, itemData, index )
var language = wixWindow.multilingual.currentLanguage;
if ( ( $w( ‘#dropdown1’ ).value == ‘all’ || itemData.subjects.indexOf( $w( ‘#dropdown1’ ).value ) != - 1 ) && ( $w( ‘#dropdown2’ ).value == ‘all’ || itemData.ageRange.indexOf( $w( ‘#dropdown2’ ).value ) ) != - 1 && itemData.language.indexOf( language ) != - 1 ){
$item( ‘#container2’ ).expand();
//if ($w(‘#text25’).text!=language){$item(‘#container1’).collapse();}
else {
$item( ‘#container2’ ).collapse();

export function button9_click(event) {
$w( ‘#listrepeater’ ).forEachItem( ($item,itemData,index) => filterRepeater($item, itemData, index) )
$w( ‘#listrepeater’ ).expand()

Hello Henry,

is your issue, a code related issue?

Go to the option (“Layouts”), there you will find, what you are searching for.

I’ve just edited the post to include the code used on the page. here is the repeater layout options

Ok, i think your problem is, that you have set the width of the repeater a littel bit to big. Reduce the width of the repeater, so that just 1-item fits into it. Then place the repeater to the left side of the page, or where ever you want it to have.

Actualy, you give the repeater the oppertunity to use the whole width of your page, so the repeater is placed over the whole page.

But you want the repeater on the left side.
The code is not required to solve this problem.

If you need further details or clarification, I would recommend contacting Wix Customer Care , as they know best.

When i reduce the width of the repeater to only fit one item, it does not use the whole page width, just places the items in one column.

Ok, if you want something like this, then you have to put in some more elements into your REPEATER…

I want to have 3 elements across, but i want the element at the bottom to be on the left hand side of the page

Can you show a pic, how you want it to be?

I would like it to look like this. thank you for your help so far.

This will be possible, when you limit your repeater to 4 items per page and align it to the left side. Of couse this time you use the whole width of your page for your repeater.

But i do not really understand what you are trying to achieve.

I can’t limit the repeater to 4 items per page because they are results from a database and there may be more than 4 results. The issue is that despite the layout of the repeater being set to left align, the bottom row of results are not aligned to the left of the page.