repeater dropdown menu setting

Hi Wix Team,
Sorry to send this message again as there is no one reply yet. Hope there is fine to find the solution here. I have been searching about the coding for repeater dropdown menu setting…

I created the dropdown menu from user input, linked up with my database called “agentprofile”, and the database contains lots of agent from different insurance company, so that when client selected company A from dropdown menu, the repeater will show the agent regarding to company A. However, I got the problem the dropdown menu show all options including the duplicate one as well, for example

my database - agentprofile
company agent
A Peter
B May
A John

The dropdown menu show A, B, A, but I only want to show A, B. Once I selected A, and I want the repeater to show the agent Peter and John. please advise if something got wrong from my database setting or wix coding setting. Note me if need the print screen for my coding and database setting. Thanks lot.

Ok so you need a function to take away the duplicates in your dropdown? Take a look here, I just did a search for duplicate dropdown here in the forum.