Repeater, how to control the number of items per row

Like this page says:
When using repeater to display items in dataset, it seems we only able to control the max number of items display per page. But is it possible to control the number of items per row? Thanks in advance!

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The only way I found to increase the number in the row was to reduce the size of all elements inside the item display box and then the box itself. Once you get the display box smaller you can stretch the repeater out and it will autofill additional boxes. The good news is once you get this done you can save that repeater style or you can simply copy it from an existing page and past it to a new page; connect the data set and you are done. Hope this helps.


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I was wondering if there is anyway to add additional rows.

I’ve got three repeater boxes in one row but want additional items to be placed below. I hope there is a method for this.
