I am looking to format the layout of the repeater I am building for my products gallery. This is customizing the same functionality of wix products/stores, with additional wix code. However, repeater layouts are only formatted as multiple rows with the more products you have.
Is there a way to format a repeater element to mimic a GALLERY SLIDER where there is only one row of products and the user can use arrows to slide through the dataset items?
Below is an image of the layout i want but using a repeater element. This is because repeaters have additional custom coding functionality that galleries cannot provide.
Would love any help on this!
@massasalah18 @david-seroy @mikemoynihan99 @liran-kurtz-wix - seeing if any of you might be able to help or can point to a thread that might!
Is there anybody out there?
I am evaluating Wix for an urgent project and ran into the same issue: how to create a horizontally scrollable object to show products from a dataset.
I tried to use a repeater, same as Tarra, but looks like it cannot scroll.
I tired to use gallery (Showcase Pro Gallery), but then I cannot add any more information except title and description. Furthermore, because in my case title/description are not unique, I cannot link the chosen element back to the dataset.
Can anyone help please?
Hey Tarra - I’m here, but I’m certainly not a Wix Code expert. I’ll see if I can poke some folks for ya.
Thank you! reached out to anyone with (WIX) in the name :)!
I sent an email internally. no worries!
@tarrahopwood The way you do this is by making sure you set you dataset to the same number of items as the rows you need in your repeater. The way the repeater renders is based on the size of the dataset it is connected to (unless you are populating the repeater manually through its .data property).
Check this article out regarding setting the number of items to display.
So say you want three items across the page. Then you set the number of items in the dataset to 3. You can the. Hook up the previous and next elements (buttons, vector graphics etc.) to cycle through by loading the data in increments of three.
Check out this article
Hope this helps.
@stevecropper Thank you very much! from a mobile view will this be scrollable as well?
@stevendc Again - thank you! One more question - this appears to be more of a click action. Is there a way to make the buttons operate like a scrollable gallery? Is this a MouseIn function?
Have you tried using the gallery layout features to get the gallery to a single row?
Perhaps this is what you need to do?
@stevendc Unfortunately galleries do not have the same range of data binding as Repeaters. I cannot get as much data/field values out of the galleries or create javascript actions based on the images.
Having “next” arrow buttons is very clunky and inefficient.
Repeaters seem to have the full range of capabilities I need EXCEPT for SCROLLING…any solutions here…these appears to be a very requested feature (see threads below) - can we please escalate this request for a solution??
@david-seroy @andreas-kviby @tom-enden @eric-curtiss @ben @kirankghosh31
@tarrahopwood many moons ago, pre Wix, I offered a solution for a similar problem here:
See if this is what you need. Note for this I had to play around with the animations settings of the repeater and found that the slide in animation wasn’t as good as the fade in fade out ones.
@stevendc Steve thanks for this - however Wix animations are so buggy and slow down everything - unfortunately - wish Wix could get its act together. Thanks for the suggestion though.
I’ve been wanting to do the same thing, Sliding repeater would be very useful!
For what its worth, I want to do this too. As this functionality is provided in Wix stores, what´s the problem in providing it for non-store pages?
I have the same need for this feature. Repeaters look very convenient to use, but it is imperative that we should scroll them sideways like a gallery.
Would something like this work? (Scroll down a bit)
Revamping this thread as I am having the same issue. @tarrahopwood did you find a way in the end?
There is a feature request for this in the classic Wix Editor: Wix Editor Request: Horizontal Scrolling on Repeaters
Or if you are using Wix Studio here is more information: Studio Editor: Adding and Customizing a Slideshow Repeater