Repeater limit (using code)

Hi! I’m trying to populate a testimonial page with 3 cards that are chosen at random. I know that if you’re using a dataset in Wix builder, you can edit the settings so that it only displays a certain amount of items. How can I do this with code? So far I have this, to manually grab the dataset:

import wixData from 'wix-data';

$w.onReady(async function () {
        $w("#repeater2").onItemReady(($item, itemData, index) => {
            $item('#text234').text = "— " + itemData.reviewer; // adds name
            $item('#text232').text = itemData.testimonial; // adds review
            $item('#text234').link =; // grab link

 let results = await wixData.query("clubTestimonials").find();
 let items = results.items;
        console.log(items); // take a peek at the items
 let shuffled = shuffleArray(items);
        console.log(shuffled); // now see the shuffled array

        $w('#repeater2').data = shuffled;

function shuffleArray(array) {

 for (let last = array.length - 1; last > 0; last--) {
 const next = Math.floor(Math.random() * (last + 1));
        [array[last], array[next]] = [array[next], array[last]];
 return array;

But I cannot figure out how to only show 3 items in the array. I’ve been playing around with ‘if’, ‘then’, ‘while’, but I’m missing something. The whole dataset always loads, although it is shuffled each time.
An example, which I also tried moving in the shuffleArray function:

$w.onReady(async function () {
 let fullCount = 0;

 while (fullCount < 3) { //repeat until there are 3 items loaded
        $w("#repeater2").onItemReady(($item, itemData, index) => {
            $item('#text234').text = "— " + itemData.reviewer; // adds name
            $item('#text232').text = itemData.testimonial; // adds review
            $item('#text234').link =; // grab link

 let results = await wixData.query("clubTestimonials").find();
 let items = results.items;
        console.log(items); // take a peek at the items
 let shuffled = shuffleArray(items);
        console.log(shuffled); // now see the shuffled array

        $w('#repeater2').data = shuffled;
        fullCount = fullCount + 1;

Please and thank you! :grin:

1 Like

Are you trying to limit the array by 3 ???
Check here

That does work in the sense that it cuts it down to only 3, rather than displaying all of the array. But it seems to prevent the array from shuffling? I added the function here:

let results = await wixData.query("clubTestimonials").find();
 let items = results.items;
        console.log(items); // take a peek at the items
 let shuffled = shuffleArray(items);
        console.log(shuffled); // now see the shuffled array

        $w('#repeater2').data = shuffled.slice(0,3);

So this is the code that ended up working for me! Thank you so much.

import wixData from 'wix-data';

$w.onReady(async function () {

    $w("#repeater2").onItemReady(($item, itemData, index) => {
        $item('#text234').text = "— " + itemData.reviewer; // adds name
        $item('#text232').text = itemData.testimonial; // adds review
        $item('#text234').link =; // grab link

 let results = await wixData.query("clubTestimonials").find();
 let items = results.items;
    console.log(items); // take a peek at the items
 let shuffled = shuffleArray(items);
    console.log(shuffled); // now see the shuffled array

    $w('#repeater2').data = shuffled.splice(0,3);


function shuffleArray(array) {

 var currentIndex = array.length,
        temporaryValue, randomIndex;

 // While there remain elements to shuffle...
 while (0 !== currentIndex) {

 // Pick a remaining element...
        randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * currentIndex);
        currentIndex -= 1;

 // And swap it with the current element.
        temporaryValue = array[currentIndex];
        array[currentIndex] = array[randomIndex];
        array[randomIndex] = temporaryValue;

 return array;