Repeater not showing on live site when connected to data even after synchronisation sandbox to live

Hi ! I have the same issue that this post
an invisible repeater in live but visible in editor mode.

Here are my repeater details :
numbers of items 6
connected to a data collection
the collection has been sync to live

the repeater has a function itemReady, for when I clicked on the image, i get the title of the image.

I don(t know why there is no repeater in live but in editor there is

I hope you’ll have ideas

export function rubriqueRpt_itemReady ( $item , itemData , index ) {
$item ( ‘#imageRpt’ ). onClick (() => {
console . log ( “clicked” );
console . log ( “data” , itemData );
$w ( ‘#searchBar’ ). value = itemData . place_type ;
// $w(‘#moreRpt’).collapse();

Check the collection permissions

Yes it was private data and i changed to public data and it worked !! thanks a lot