Repeater search box

I set up a repeater search using this video tutorial.
Problem is that when I test and type in, the repeater disappears and no response to search. Have tried disconnecting and reconnecting, etc. I have page connected to database. Have tried also connecting buttons (shouldn’t be, but thought would try).

This is using repeaters that wix has available as Add Item. Not built by code.

At a loss. WENT BACK TO THE VERY BEGINNING…now have reconstructed to the very first structure of code (first 2 minutes of video). The code is this at that point:

import wixData from “wix-data”;

export function iTitle_keyPress(event, $w) {

function filter(title) {
$w(“#Ozarks”).setFilter(wixData.filter().contains(“Place”, title));

Have page connected to dataset: Check
Button not connected to anything other then thru code: Check
Repeater not connected to code: Check, however do have the individual items in repeater connected…Name of place connected to the database so it sets up the repeater for each item, etc. Nothing working.

Getting Closer to answer? After some work, have found that conditional expression is leading to clearing out after typing in search words: Here is the line that is culprit
if (lastFilterTitle !== title) { Changing ! to === ends up making no search work, leaving it ! causes the clear out/blank result But have yet to figure out how to fix this.

Here is video of tutorial I used for working up this code:

Gotta be missing something simple. even checked permissions of dataset. Have also made it so anyone can submit update via form as thought system recognizing the search as a form submit…nadda. At wits end!

I wrote another example on a different thread which can be useful for you to filter a repeater using code.
Using the regular JS filter function can help you with filtering the repeater however you want.

Good luck,

Tai, would you mind looking at comments I made on this thread in relation to search of repeater…perplexed beyond belief! Here