Repeater suddenly not showing data from data Set

So I had my website up and running and it was great then suddenly my repeater won’t show data from my Data Set.
Works in preview, not in live.
I Have:

  1. synced sandbox data to live
  2. edited Live data to check for blank rows (none)
  3. set permissions to read only
  4. read approximately 4.2 billion wix help articles and still cant find anything that helps me out.

This could be really easy but I’m not a computer genius and it’s starting to make me get a slight twitch in my trigger finger, as I don’t understand what has gone wrong.

Any help would be great.

If you are doing this by binding the Repeater to a dataset, you need to make sure that the dataset is ready. See the post Datasets have an onReady function for information.

Thanks for your help
I somehow got it working by editing the Live Data… don’t ask me it just started working again… (as I don’t have coding skills this is about the only way I can get it to work) It didn’t like me putting more than 4 boxes in the repeater.

5 would blank everything out so I just added more repeaters and it solved my problem.