Repeater that doesn't respond to user drop down and tag selection

I have created a dropdown and a user taq selection area where depending on the user choice they will get different information.

First of all clients will choose their skin type and then option 2 what sort of product they are looking for.

However, the repeater is just showing random information

This is the code I wrote

import wixData from ‘wix-data’ ;
import wixLocation from ‘wix-location’ ;

const collectionName = ‘nuevodataset’ ;
const fieldToFilterByInCollection = ‘tags’ ;

$w.onReady( function () {

setRepeatedItemsInRepeater( 20 ) 

$w( '#tags' ).onChange((event) => { 

const selectedTags = $w( ‘#tags’ ).value

 wixData.query( 'nuevodataset' ) 
    .limit( 20 ) 
    .ascending( "title" ) 
    .then((results) => { 
        originalDataset = results.items; 

function loadDataToRepeater(selectedCategories = ) {

let dataQuery = wixData.query( ‘nuevodataset’ )

if (selectedCategories.length > 0 ) {
dataQuery = dataQuery.hasSome(fieldToFilterByInCollection, selectedCategories)


    .then(results => { 

const itemsReadyForRepeater = results.items;
$w( ‘#repeater1’ ).data = itemsReadyForRepeater;

const isRepeaterEmpty = itemsReadyForRepeater.length === 0

if (isRepeaterEmpty) {
$w( ‘#noResultsFound’ ).show()
} else {
$w( ‘#noResultsFound’ ).hide()

function setRepeatedItemsInRepeater() {
$w( ‘#repeater1’ ).onItemReady(($item, itemData) => {

    $item( '#productImage' ).src = itemData.image_link; 
    $item( '#productImage' ).tooltip = itemData.image_link; 
    $item( '#productName' ).text = itemData.title 


Perhaps this can help you…

I still can’t see it

What does say your CONSOLE ?
Any Error-Logs?