Request a quote on product pages

Currently getting this error

when running the following code

import wixWindowFrontend from 'wix-window-frontend';
import wixLocationFrontend from 'wix-location-frontend';

let product;

$w.onReady(function () {

wixLocationFrontend.onChange((location) => {
  let newPath = location.path;
  if (newPath?.[0] === 'product-page') {

async function initProductPage() {
  product = await $w('#productPage1').getProduct();
    $w('#productPage1').setAddToCartLabel('Request a Quote');

async function onAddToCartHandler(resume, cancel) {
  const data = await getProductInfo();
  wixWindowFrontend.openLightbox('Request a quote', data)
    .then((results) => {

async function getProductInfo() {
  const quantity = await $w('#productPage1').getQuantity();
  const choices = await $w('#productPage1').getSelectedChoices();
  const customText = await $w('#productPage1').getCustomText();
  return {
    product: product,
    quantity: quantity,
    choices: choices,
    customTextFields: customText,

any idea on how to fix ?

Where did you find this command? —> setAddToCartLabel(‘Request a Quote’);`

  1. I could not find such an API-Command.
  2. And you never have imported a backend function with such a name.

So one more time the question…

Where does → setAddToCartLabel() <— come from ?

Maybe you were looking for —>

So it is normal that you get this error…

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I understand! You’re looking for a way to handle situations where customers might want a quote for a product instead of adding it directly to their cart.

Wix Stores doesn’t have a built-in feature for this specific scenario, but here are a couple of approaches you can explore, keeping in mind that some users might prefer a clear choice between adding a product to the cart (in-stock) or requesting a quote (out-of-stock):

1. Conditional Buttons (Advanced)

  • This approach requires some coding knowledge with Wix’s Velo development platform.
  • You can create two buttons on your product page: “Add to Cart” and “Get Quote.”
  • Use Velo to check the product’s stock level in real-time.
  • Based on the stock availability:
    • If the product is in stock, the “Add to Cart” button is visible, and the “Get Quote” button is hidden.
    • If the product is out of stock, the “Add to Cart” button is hidden, and the “Get Quote” button becomes visible.

2. “Get Quote” Button and Contact Form (Simple):

  • Add a custom button labeled “Get Quote” using the “Buttons” element in Wix Editor. This approach works regardless of stock availability.
  • Create a dedicated contact form in Wix Forms.
  • When users click the “Get Quote” button, it can either:
    • Pre-populate the contact form with relevant product information.
    • Or, simply open the blank contact form for users to fill out with additional details about their quote request.

Thanks tried your second suggestion and works perfectly for now

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