Request: Fix bugs in the "Get Feedback" feature

Sometimes using Wix makes me appear unprofessional to my clients. :confused:

I have sent the “get feedback” link to multiple clients for feedback on completed web designs, and nearly every time, multiple comments are lost or clearly showing on the wrong page, especially where code or apps like store pages are involved. It makes me appear unprofessional when I have a clueless look on my face when clients ask me why the change they requested was never implemented.

Are there any plans in the mix for unbugging the Get Feedback feature?

Second question: Anyone out there have a review program they use for web design feedback that works well?

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As this forum is for Corvid related issues and requests only, you will be better suited making bug reports about the Get Feedback feature to Wix Support .

Although not a Corvid (coding) issue, since it was a possible bug I decided to check on this.

As I understand, this is a known issue and is being worked on. This thread was also sent on to the dev team. Sorry, but no ETA.

hey im from Wix dev team, i am trying to reproduce this issue without success can you please attach link to the feedback that you stated in the original complaint. regardless please notice that comments on header or footer are shown on all pages