Require a "Service Fee" option to Wix Tickets

It is extremely important for the nature of my business to be able to add an AGENT SERVICE FEE/ CO-ORDINATION FEE to the price of a ticket.
A separate Payment % Service Fee to that of WIX has currently.

Many months of building my wix website and may have to move to another provider as there is no option to add a travel agent fee/ event co ordination fee / tour operator fee/ ticket issue fee option to wix tickets.

I can only hope that WIX is looking into adding this as a priority or offer an urgent solution.

WIx Editor

What are you trying to achieve:
Add a travel agent fee/ event co ordination fee / tour operator fee/ ticket issue fee option to wix tickets. (it must not be % based)

What have you already tried:

Additional information:
[Include any other pertinent details or information that might be helpful for people to know when trying to answer your question.]