[RESOLVED] How do I create a cell that appears on every page of my site?

Hello everyone ! I hope you’re well. Unfortunately I have a problem… :wink:

I can’t figure out how to create a global element (a specific cell that is displayed on all pages, like a button for example) in Wix Studio (outside of a global section). I’d like to create a vertical menu (as shown in the attached image) on my site.

I’ve worked out how to create a global section, but that’s not what I need. I don’t want to make a whole section permanent, but just an element and/or a cell.

Thank you in advance for your invaluable help and take good care of yourself :v:t4:

Solution: this isn’t possible at the moment. But Wix is obviously working on an option for making an element global. In the meantime, they are offering two alternatives:

  1. Do not use a header and copy the vertical menu on each page
  2. Using the standard WIX editor