Return Value from function

Hi all ,

I am trying to get the array returned from the function . but i cannot get the return values from the function

// My Wix main code  for calling  Country detail public function
import {CountryDetail}from 'public/CountrySearch.js';

$w.onReady(function () {
	var king=[];
   // i added this to catch the return values

the public function

import wixData from 'wix-data';

export function CountryDetail(SelectionName)
var TotalCount;
		.then((results) => {var test = [];
			let item = results.items;
			TotalCount = item.length;
			console.log("item length", item.length);
		for (let i = 0; i < TotalCount; i++) {
			   test[i] = {
				label: item[i].name,
				value: item[i].country_code.toString()
		$w(SelectionName).options = test;
               //  this is not throwing the values back to the calling statement;

anyone can help on this .
I am not sure where i am wrong . i want to use the return array in my geomap


Hey there,

At least one problem jumps out right away. You need a return before wixData.query( ):

var TotalCount; 	
return wixData.query("CountryDetail")

This has to do with JavaScript Promises. The return(test) is not a return on the function, instead it is a resolution of the Promise returned by the query.