Ribbon and Discount are not showing in Repeater


I have website1 and website2, in both the site I am connecting Wix Product Dataset with repeater, strange to see that in website2 this code is working fine, while in website1 it is not showing Discount and Ribbon content, instead both elements are showing Price in place of Ribbon and Discount. A help will suffice my purpose, Thanks.

export function repeater1_itemReady($item, itemData, index) {
$item( ‘#price’ ).text=itemData.formattedPrice
if (itemData.price !== itemData.discountedPrice) {
$item( ‘#ribbon’ ).text=itemData.ribbons[ 0 ].text
$item( ‘#dicount’ ).text=itemData.formattedDiscountedPrice
$item( ‘#ribbon’ ).show();
$item( ‘#dicount’ ).show();
$item( ‘#ribbonLabel’ ).show();