Rich text

hello there
recently i had tested the rich text and connected it to paragraph in a page. but i had found that while editing in database rich text set, i were not able to see the uploaded font. also, as my rich text has to show some tables, there is no table insert in rich text.

thus, may i request to

  1. rich text font is connected to wix site fonts (wix fonts + uploaded fonts)

  2. rich text edit, has a table insert.
    thank you & best regard

Have you tried the rich text workound shown here earlier?

Umm i had a look at it but not what i was looking for,
i am looking for font adjustment
my font was already uploaded at wix site (when setting font for template i had add a font )
in wix database, the font does not appear

regarding the table, well kind of confused, does it mean when i go to rich text in database and i add HTML code it will work !!??