I have a table, when I click on a button it takes the “tableindex” and the “rowdata”. I want, when I click on index 0 it delete this row of the table, and insert into the database and push into a table.
export function tablePerfilSistema_rowSelect(event, $w) {
let rowData = event.rowData; // {"fName": "John", "lName": "Doe"}
let rowIndex = event.rowIndex; // 2
$w("#txtwowData").text = rowData.itens;
export function ir_click(event, $w) {
let id = $w(“#textid”).text;
let rowdata = $w(“#txtwowData”).text;
let rows = $w("#tablePerfilUsuario").rows;
rows.push({ itens: rowdata });
$w("#tablePerfilUsuario").rows = rows;
function insert_ir() {
let id = $w(“#textid”).text;
let rowdata = $w(“#txtwowData”).text;
let toInsert = {
“idMembro”: id,
“permissaoNome”: rowdata,
wixData.insert("MembroPermissao", toInsert)
.then((results) => {
let item = results; //see item below
How do I delete the zero line from the first table and pass the values to the second table