Hey, I’m trying to make a 4 tick progress bar where everytime you advance a page (with a button, or just by viewing) it would advance the progress bar by 1 incriment and remember which part of the progress you’re at, or if you’ve completed it. It would also have to be so every user has their own progress obviously.
I’ve so far tried to tinker with datasets and some code, but I really can’t find any sort of working solution to this. Any help or pointing to the right direction is greatly appreciated.
Hey, Joonas!
Please check out this tutorial https://support.wix.com/en/article/corvid-working-with-the-progress-bar-element
You will basically need to set the target value of the progress bar and change it accordingly (e.g. using onClick https://www.wix.com/corvid/reference/$w.Button.html )
let target = $w(“#myProgressBar”).targetValue;
$w(“#myProgressBar”).targetValue = 40;
You can save the progress for each of your users in the database and use https://www.wix.com/corvid/reference/wix-users.User.html#loggedIn to get the relevant value from the database and pass it to the progress bar.
Hey, thanks for this. I’m just struggling to maintain/load the progress between the different pages for the progress bar. How should I go about doing it?
How do I save the progress of each of my users in the database?
@joonasfiner You can also connect your progress bar to the database