Scroll Behavior Options Removed?

Working on a site for a client that I originally designed to build in EditorX (and already got approval on), but finding lots of EditorX’s functionalities have been removed and I’m scrambling to find work arounds to still hit my deadline.

From what I can tell, ‘Scroll Behavior’ effects such as parallax and reveal are now only available for section backgrounds, but I need an image on top of the section background’s image to have the reveal scroll effect. Is there a way to simulate this effect in Wix Studio? Or maybe the option was moved elsewhere and I’m missing it?

Animations and effects are available on images. click the image and check the right hand side inspector.

Is there any way to simulate the ‘Reveal’ scrolling effect that is available for section background images? I can see that it could possibly be done with a scroll-based ‘Move’ animation on an object, but that seems like technical overkill for simulating an effect already native to the builder.

Hello Yo7554
I have exactly the same problem, even the parralax effect is really different from the one used on editorX, it changes all the design of the website i created. Does anyone have a solution about these problems. ? Thank you

I’ve got the same problem. Did anyone have found a solution yet?