"Scroll= snap to section" effect

Hi Guys, new to the forum as a Belgian UX Designer with limited coding skills ;p. Im currently working on a project where I want to create a smooth scrolling effect that allows you to snap to to the following section of that page when a user gives a small scroll movement (subtle indication that they want to see the next piece of content). As I’m no code expert I tried to visualise what I mean in the following image and a website that applies it https://middleseat.co

Its looks like the effect consists out of different slides, where each time you scroll you get another one.

It would be nice to have this as a standard WIX scroll effect that’s linked between different pages/page sections. It allows great usability for both the user as well as designers. Because as a Designer you want to focus on the visual representation of each separated content section within the resolution of the screen.

I’ve been searching for a while and started to experimented a little with anchors and corvid to apply the scroll.to u[/u] method but with little succes…

export function ProductLoadIn_viewportEnter(event) {

When using this method you have no control over where the anchor point enters (Top/bottom of the screen) making it difficult to scroll to the content group above or below. Causing it to glitch when you want to scroll back up (Only desktop yet and the content is fake but if you want to take a look: https://cedriclodewijckx.wixsite.com/website-4 )
As I’m no coding expert what so ever I hope you guys can help me out, cause WIX has a lot of potential when designing a website.

So if there is anyone that knows how this can be done let me know! I’ll keep searching as we speak, but if you think this should be a WIX functionality hit the like button/upvote this thing! And maybe nobody will need to worry about this thing ever again haha :smiley: