Search for Elements under Add Elements section in Wix Studio

Is this currently an existing feature request?

Wishlist item
The ability to search for elements under the “add elements” section in Wix Studio.

What current pain point are you facing?
Sometimes I forget exactly which section a certain element is under & if I could do a quick search for it, it would make things so much easier & faster.

Do you have a current workaround that you’re using?

Describe the feature you need and how it would work. (Bonus points for mockups :wink:)
A search bar at the top of the “Add Elements” section

How will this impact you?
It would make finding the element I am looking for much quicker

Hi @WiNN316! I know exactly what you mean! I also forget where elements are in the “add elements” section. I’m happy to let you know that this is something that is currently being worked on! It is estimated to be available this quarter :raised_hands:

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