Hello, @wix58648 I need help to create a search bar in
one of my pages, and that it brings me the information
related to the search field
what I want is to enter a number in the field “Documento de identida”
and click on
the button “Consultar” to make the query.
Normaly the same rules for you, like here in this post…
…but let’s not be so strict…
So what do you have?
You have an - - - > INPUT-ELEMENT, where you will type in some value(s).
You have a BUTTON – > which will activate the SUBMISSION/SEARCH-FUNCTION.
What else do you need to get your FUNCTIONALITY?
YES! —> You need CODE! (code which is normaly written by code-masters as a payed servey/service).
Well, as i already mentioned, let’s not be so strict with the NEWBIES (–> who are just looking for codes and not for learning lessons).
If you want to filter something → that means you surely also will have a database!
And inside your database, you will have some already prepared/setted-up db-fields, filled with content/values/items, right ? Yes, RIGHT!
What is the most simple ways to filter a databse using code?
Well if i am honest there are more then one simple ways of how to filter a DATABASE, but let’s take this one as example…
import wixData from 'wix-data';
$w.onReady(function () {myFilterFunction();});
function myFilterFunction() {console.log("My function running...")
.eq('number', '0000044')
.then((res)=>{console.log("RESULTS: ", res);
if(res.items.length>0) {
console.log("RESULT-length", res.items.length);
} else {console.log("No data found!");}
}).catch((err)=> {console.log("getPaymentHistory err", err);});
What do we have here?
We have here a filtering function, which searches for a specific value in a specific DB-FIELD, of specific COLLECTION.
Exactly what you need, dont’t you ?
But of course you still will have to do some changes on this example, to make your wished functionalities work.
Which would be the mentioned CODE-changes?
Well, first of all you surely want the function running only if you click the SUBMISSION/SERACH-BUTTON, right? → YES! RIGHT!
So let’s do some changes on our code…
import wixData from 'wix-data';
function myFilterFunction() {console.log("My function running...")
.eq('number', '0000044')
.then((res)=>{console.log("RESULTS: ", res);
if(res.items.length>0) {
console.log("RESULT-length", res.items.length);
} else {console.log("No data found!");}
}).catch((err)=> {console.log("getPaymentHistory err", err);});
And surely you do not want to search the value → ‘0000044’…
…in the → number ← DATABASE-FIELD…
…of the → collection ← COLLECTION, right? → YES! RIGHT!
You want your VALUE to be → DYNAMIC loaded by the INPUT! By YOUR input!
import wixData from 'wix-data';
let myValue = $w('#myInputElementIdhere').value
myFilterFunction(myCollection, myDB_FIELD, myValue);
function myFilterFunction(myCollection, myDB_FIELD, myValue) {console.log("My function running...")
.eq(myDB_FIELD, 'myValue')
.then((res)=>{console.log("RESULTS: ", res);
if(res.items.length>0) {
console.log("RESULT-length", res.items.length);
} else {console.log("No data found!");}
}).catch((err)=> {console.log("getPaymentHistory err", err);});
Et, viola! Tu a créé un filtre! ![:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:](https://emoji.discourse-cdn.com/google_classic/stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye.png?v=12)
Oh, by the way! You will find all results in your CONSOLE!
How to use the CONSOLE?
You will find your CONSOLE either in your Wix-Editor when running your CODE in the PREVIEW-MODE, or by pressing the F-12-Button on your Keyboard inside your google-chrome or microsoft-edge-BROWSER!
Ok, now try to reproduce all that shit xD. Good luck! And do not forget to like it, if you realy liked it
Hello. @wix58648 Thank you very much for the information it is clearer to me.
Now, I have a question, the database I do not have. I would have to create a new one and where,
or am I supposed to use the one I have with you.
Just create a new DATABASE / COLLECTION in your Wix-Content-Manager of your Wix-Editor.
To be able to see all the programming control-panel, you will first have to activate the DEV-MODE (developer-mode) in your Wix-Editor.
After you have done this you just navigate to CONTENT-MANAGER where you should find all your COLLECTIONS / DATABASES (DBs).
Create your own DATABASE and give it a plausible NAME/ID.
Inside your DATABASE → create a new FIELD or use the already predefined → “title” ← field to store all your DATA.
Replace all given IDs (marked in RED) with your own ones…
- ID of your Input-Element
- ID of your DB-Field
- ID of your Collection / database
let myValue = $w(#'myInputElementIDhere').value;
Hello, @wix58648 I have followed the instructions and when I do the search I get that it does not find the data.
What else can I do?
What you can do?
- Showing your current working (not working) code.
- Showing the structure of your DATABASE and also the DB-ID.
- Showing your setup (which elements are used and why) ?
As i can see you do not get any ERRORS → thats already good.
But you also do not get any results → not good.
Check your DB-Entries.
Check if you used the right DB-FIELD-ID.
But since anybody knows which code you are using, anybody can tell anything about your issue.
When you provide your code → please do it in a → CODE-BLOCK (no picture).
Hi @wix58648 this is the code.
I would not know what to put in the DB-FIELD-ID
import wixData from ‘wix-data’ ;
$w . onReady ( function (){
$w ( ‘#button1’ ). onClick (()=>{
let myValue = $w ( ‘Document’ )
let myDB_FIELD = “Contact042”
let myCollection = “contact042”
myFilterFunction ( myCollection , myDB_FIELD , myValue );
function myFilterFunction ( myCollection , myDB_FIELD , myValue ) { console . log ( “My function running…” )
wixData . query ( myCollection )
. eq ( myDB_FIELD , ‘myValue’ )
. find ()
. then (( res )=>{ console . log ( "RESULTS: " , res );
if ( res . items . length > 0 ) {
console . log ( “RESULT-length” , res . items . length );
} else { console . log ( “No data found!” );}
}). catch (( err )=> { console . log ( “getPaymentHistory err” , err );});
I have also dealt with this
import wixData from ‘wix-data’ ;
$w . onReady ( function (){
$w ( ‘#button1’ ). onClick (()=>{
let myValue = $w ( ‘#button1’ )
let myDB_FIELD = “Document”
let myCollection = “contact042”
myFilterFunction ( myCollection , myDB_FIELD , myValue );
function myFilterFunction ( myCollection , myDB_FIELD , myValue ) { console . log ( “My function running…” )
wixData . query ( myCollection )
. eq ( myDB_FIELD , ‘myValue’ )
. find ()
. then (( res )=>{ console . log ( "RESULTS: " , res );
if ( res . items . length > 0 ) {
console . log ( “RESULT-length” , res . items . length );
} else { console . log ( “No data found!” );}
}). catch (( err )=> { console . log ( “getPaymentHistory err” , err );});
Can you please make a screenshot of your DB-NAME/DB-ID and also of your DB-structure itself?
I will check why its not working for you.
I need to know the name and ID of your collection and like already mentioned → the INSIDE of your DATABASE (SCTRUCTURE), including DB-FIELD-ID.
Your button is also called → “button1” ?
Or to be more precise, the ID of your button is → “button1”?
Ok, the last question i can answer by myself, → YES with your button is everything ok.
But WAIT !!! Look at my provided code…
let myValue = $w('#myInputElementIdhere').value
…and now compare it with your one…
let myValue = $w('Document')
…what do you get in console for —> DOCUMENT…?
let myValue = $w('Document'); console.log("DOCUMENT: ", myValue);
…replace your related codeline with this one and take a look onto CONSOLE.
…do the same for…
let myValue = $w('#button1'); <--- surely wrong !
…replacing with …
let myValue = $w('#button1'); console.log("DOCUMENT: ", myValue);
Surely you will get wrong VALUES.
What you want to do instead is to get the → NUMERORE DE IDENTIDAD ←
Which you type into an INPUT-FIELD.
This INPUT-FIELD has an ID - → let it be → “myInput”
Your code for your INPUT-FIELD would be…
Your CODE:
import wixData from 'wix-data';
$w('#myInputField').value; console.log("DOCUMENT: ", myValue);
let myDB_FIELD = "Document" //<-this should be the ID of the FIELD inside your DB
let myCollection = "contact042" //<-- this should be the ID of your COLLECTION/DB
myFilterFunction(myCollection, myDB_FIELD, myValue);
function myFilterFunction(myCollection, myDB_FIELD, myValue) {
console.log("My function running...")
.eq(myDB_FIELD, myValue)
.then((res)=>{console.log("RESULTS: ", res);
if(res.items.length>0) {console.log("Data found!");
console.log("RESULT-length", res.items.length);
} else {console.log("No data found!");}
}).catch((err)=> {console.log("getPaymentHistory err", err);});
Green → corrected → ok!
Red → Check again!
Issue resolved?
Sorry. Now I am more confused. I have copied the code provided and I get many errors, I no longer know what to change.
Ok, before you CRASH your page/site totaly, i can take a look onto your issue (if you trust me) you can send me an invitation. My e-mail can be found in my profile.
This would be the fastest way to solve it.
Yes you have made a lot of mistakes. → Did you copy and paste my code?
Surly not …
…where are the missing braces/brakets?
And there are a lot more of SYNTAX-ERRORS.
Ok, your COLLECTION-ID is —> “contact042”
But the DB-FIELD-ID is still unclear…
let myDB_FIELD= “Document” ← Which FIELD is this in your DB?
Or the better question is:–> Which one of the following FIELDS you want to do the search/filtering ? And what is it’s → ID ???
I assume it will be the following DB-FIELD…
Click with your right mouse-button on it and take a look for the FIELD-ID.
This will be your → “myDB_FIELD”. → (is the ID → “Document”, or “document”, or something else?) Show a screenshot!
Also pay attention, that your N°Documento-Field is of TYPE → NUMBER !!!
- Copy and paste the following code (which was given in my last posts)…
Onto your page and replace your current (NOT) working code.
- Replace → “myCollection” → with → “contact042”
- Replace → “myInputField” → with → the ID of your INPUT-FIELD. (already OK)
4) Replace → “button1” → with → the ID of your button.
5) Do not touch anything is this code-part…
function myFilterFunction(myCollection, myDB_FIELD, myValue) {
console.log("My function running...")
.eq(myDB_FIELD, myValue)
.then((res)=>{console.log("RESULTS: ", res);
if(res.items.length>0) {console.log("Data found!");
console.log("RESULT-length", res.items.length);
} else {console.log("No data found!");}
}).catch((err)=> {console.log("getPaymentHistory err", err);});
After you have managed everything, click your button to start your search/filter-function.
Open the → CONSOLE (to be found on very bottom in the Wix-Editor’s PREVIEW-MODE) and take a look onto RESULTS?
Do you get any RESULTS? Or do you get some ERRORS?
Make a screenshot.
I am sure, now you will be able to solve your issue by your own.
At the end your CODE should look like…
import wixData from 'wix-data';
$w('#button1').onClick(()=>{console.log("Button clicked!");
$w('#myInputField').value; console.log("Input-Value: ", myValue);
let myDB_FIELD = "Document"; console.log("DB-Field: ", myDB_FIELD);
let myCollection = "contact042"; console.log("Collection: ", myCollection);
mySearchFunction(myCollection, myDB_FIELD, myValue);
function mySearchFunction(myCollection, myDB_FIELD, myValue) {
console.log("My function running...")
.eq(myDB_FIELD, myValue)
.then((res)=>{console.log("RESULTS: ", res);
if(res.items.length>0) {console.log("Data found!");
console.log("RESULT-length", res.items.length);
} else {console.log("No data found!");}
}).catch((err)=> {console.log("getPaymentHistory err", err);});
- ‘#button1’ —> checked! (o.k.)
- ‘#myInputField’ —> checked! (o.k.)
- “contact042” —> checked! (o.k.)
- “Document” —> to be checked! (???)