Secondary Drop Down Menu

Is it possible to create a 2 level drop down menu?

Just like the example above!

Thanks again!


there isn’t an easy or elegant solution for this at the moment.
we are investigating ways to provide this and other similar cases as part of our roadmap.

However, I can think of a solution but it’s hacky.
Give it a try and see if it gets the desired results.

I assume the menus are static, meaning you know in advance the items in the main menu and in each sub menu.

so what you need to do is create a container (a box) for each submenu, and design it so that each menu item has the right text and the right link to the page you want to navigate to.

then, place these containers where you want them to appear on the site when the main menu opens up (they will overlap each other, but that’s fine).

next, mark each of these containers as “hidden on load”.

last, add some code that shows/hides them based on the mouse-in and mouse-out events on the main menu.

so the gist of it is to show/hide a submenu when the mouse hovers over the right item in the main menu.

good luck…

Makes sense! I’ll let you know how it works out boss!

Thanks as always!


why there is no code available for second level submenu/dropdown
its 2021 now


Here’s a Mega Menu example you can follow to build this feature in Velo:

And a tutorial on how to build it:

There are a couple of items in the Velo Wishlist on this topic that you can vote for, or you can create a new Velo Wishlist request here :

There’s also a request for expanded menus in Wix. You can vote for it here: