Secret manager automate value updates

Is there any chance to set-up back-end in a way to update values in secret manager automatically?

Wix Editor

What are you trying to achieve:
It is needed as custom payment provider let me pass Aouth 2.0 so I am obliged to renew access_token every 24h. Would very helpful not to input the new value manually in secret manager.

What have you already tried:
I have basically tried updateSecret() from v1 & v2 of wix backend. Also tried custom npm, but in a nutshell it does not change anything even field name.
Sometimes I got 403 error and tried to use elevate function - still no result. Maybe there are some workarounds without connecting external databases, CMS etc?

Thank you all for you time :slight_smile:

Hi, Vlad_Lileykin !!

I saw your post and decided to give it a try myself. For testing purposes, I executed the updateSecret of v2 from the frontend. Since it was just a test, I didn’t think too deeply and used elevate to execute it, and I was able to successfully update the targeted secret (I confirmed the update by reloading the Secrets Manager page). If you share the code you’re using, someone in the community might be able to help you solve the issue. Of course, make sure to remove any private information like secret keys from the code before sharing it. Also, it might be necessary to check not just the updateSecret function itself, but also whether the function is actually being executed.

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I was running into the same issues. Thanks for Validating it oneMoreTime. It worked for me as well when using elevate and also v2.