Section not adjusting size with content collapse

I’m loosing my mind here.
I’ve created my own version of an accordion in Wix Studio because it doesnt let you connect them to a dataset yet.

The repeater is obviously really long when all items are loaded and expanded, so the section is super tall to accomodate it. However, on loading, the repeater is filtered so there’s less items than the full collection and the items are collapsed, so the items are narrower.
There’s buttons to expand / collapse items.

The section, although the height is set to auto, doesnt adjust height.
What I am left with is just a huge section with a lot of dead space at the bottom.

How do I fix this?
I tried inserting this:

// Adjust section heights after repeaters are filtered and initialized
    function adjustSectionHeight(repeaterId, sectionId) {
        const repeater = $w(repeaterId);
        const section = $w(sectionId);

        repeater.onReady(() => {
            if (repeater.getTotalCount() > 0) {
                const repeaterHeight = repeater.boundingBox.height; 
// Calculate the repeater's height
       = `${repeaterHeight + 20}px`;
 // Adjust section height dynamically
                section.expand(); // Ensure section is visible
            } else {
                section.collapse(); // Collapse section if repeater has no items

    adjustSectionHeight("#activerisk", "#Risksection");
    adjustSectionHeight("#borderrepeater", "#Borderline");
    adjustSectionHeight("#norisks", "#Norisksection");

and it didn’t work, in fact it just messed up the rest of my code, even when i inserted it right at the end of the code.

Full page code here:

import wixData from 'wix-data';
import wixUsers from 'wix-users';

$w.onReady(function () {

    // Get the current logged-in user
    const userId =;

    // Query the 'AssessRiskLevels' collection to get the user's most recent risk data for both repeaters
        .eq("_owner", userId)  // Filter by logged-in user
        .descending("_createdDate") // Sort by the creation date, descending (latest first)
        .limit(1)  // Ensure we only get the most recent record
        .then((results) => {
            if (results.items.length > 0) {
                const userRiskData = results.items[0];  // Get the most recent risk data (assumes only one record per user)
                const userRiskData2 = results.items[0]; // For the second repeater

                let itemIdsToShowForActiverisk = [];
                let itemIdsToShowForBorderRepeater = [];

                // Check which fields are true and add corresponding Item IDs for #activerisk
                if (userRiskData.age === true) {
                if (userRiskData.hearingLoss === true) {
                if (userRiskData.visionLoss === true) {
                if (userRiskData.hbp === true) {
                if (userRiskData.ldl === true) {
                if (userRiskData.diabetes === true) {
                if (userRiskData.weight === true) {
                if (userRiskData.smoking === true) {
                if (userRiskData.alcohol === true) {
                if (userRiskData.sleep === true) {
                if (userRiskData.stress === true) {
                if (userRiskData.depression === true) {
                if (userRiskData.airPollution === true) {
                if (userRiskData.lonely === true) {
                if ( === true) {
                if (userRiskData.physicalActivity === true) {
                if (userRiskData.socialIsolation === true) {
                if (userRiskData.stimulation === true) {

                // Check which fields are true and add corresponding Item IDs for #borderrepeater
                if (userRiskData2.dkLDL === true) {
                if (userRiskData2.dkHbp === true) {
                if (userRiskData2.dkWeight === true) {
                if (userRiskData2.dkDiabetes === true) {
                if (userRiskData2.suburban === true) {
                if (userRiskData2.midStimulation === true) {
                if (userRiskData2.midSocial === true) {

                // Remove duplicate Item IDs (ensuring uniqueness)
                itemIdsToShowForActiverisk = [ Set(itemIdsToShowForActiverisk)];
                itemIdsToShowForBorderRepeater = [ Set(itemIdsToShowForBorderRepeater)];

                // Debugging: log the itemIdsToShow arrays
                console.log("Item IDs to show for activerisk (unique): ", itemIdsToShowForActiverisk);
                console.log("Item IDs to show for borderrepeater (unique): ", itemIdsToShowForBorderRepeater);

                // If there are no true fields for activerisk, hide all items in the repeater
                if (itemIdsToShowForActiverisk.length === 0) {
                    $w("#Import207").setFilter(wixData.filter().hasSome("_id", [])); // Hides all items by setting an empty filter
                } else {
                    // Query and filter the dataset for #activerisk
                    const datasetActiverisk = $w("#Import207");
                    const filterActiverisk = wixData.filter().hasSome("_id", itemIdsToShowForActiverisk);

                // If there are no true fields for borderrepeater, hide all items in the repeater
                if (itemIdsToShowForBorderRepeater.length === 0) {
                    $w("#borderline").setFilter(wixData.filter().hasSome("_id", [])); // Hides all items by setting an empty filter
                } else {
                    // Query and filter the dataset for #borderrepeater
                    const datasetBorderRepeater = $w("#borderline");
                    const filterBorderRepeater = wixData.filter().hasSome("_id", itemIdsToShowForBorderRepeater);
        .catch((error) => {
            console.error("Error querying 'AssessRiskLevels':", error);

        .eq("_owner", userId) // Filter by logged-in user
        .descending("_createdDate") // Sort by creation date, descending (latest first)
        .limit(1) // Ensure we only get the most recent record
        .then((results) => {
            if (results.items.length > 0) {
                const userRiskDataNoRisk = results.items[0]; // Get the most recent risk data

                // Array to store IDs for items the user is NOT at risk for
                let itemIdsToShowForNoRisks = [];

                // Define associations between AssessRiskLevels fields and Import207 IDs
                const riskAssociations = [
                    { fields: ["ldl", "dkLDL"], id: "27b74a44-efbe-41a8-ab52-2617bb7c6f80" },
                    { fields: ["airPollution", "suburban"], id: "30eab959-8c9e-491c-b545-488ccaa2eb3a" },
                    { fields: ["hbp", "dkHbp"], id: "3bd508b1-8fd5-40fc-95fc-73ab228e55cf" },
                    { fields: ["diabetes", "dkDiabetes"], id: "45ebaaba-6d33-494e-b5fe-051fbaaf1981" },
                    { fields: ["socialIsolation", "midSocial"], id: "611f007c-8cf3-4eb3-ade3-7f24db9bbb0e" },
                    { fields: ["stimulation", "midStimulation"], id: "6f966426-e8ab-47d8-bc0c-59f8f640fbc4" },
                    { fields: ["weight", "dkWeight"], id: "a57d992e-1bb4-40cc-89b9-249dcd064418" },
                    { fields: ["hearingLoss"], id: "3fa383f8-09c0-48bf-ac28-2b2c99bbb455" },
                    { fields: ["lonely"], id: "40ea299a-48ba-4b8d-b97f-24cd7c812a5a" },
                    { fields: ["alcohol"], id: "4dba5791-f25f-4c2f-a470-8f563c69be95" },
                    { fields: ["sleep"], id: "5d6d97c0-0b09-4259-8aeb-3e9f714fa089" },
                    { fields: ["stress"], id: "6373e153-758e-4c8e-ac28-0fb8d7ba5340" },
                    { fields: ["smoking"], id: "6b8214ed-b016-4cc0-98f5-b606d787de19" },
                    { fields: ["depression"], id: "7c8a2557-e6f3-4071-b4e7-47bc4cd8b1e6" },
                    { fields: ["education"], id: "869cc0ec-8494-414c-8159-d6e70345402e" },
                    { fields: ["physicalActivity"], id: "8b5cf0ea-b578-4d44-b23f-ff0a519ae964" },
                    { fields: ["visionLoss"], id: "eb054d9e-5a46-44d8-a31a-2d0ea21ca627" },
                    { fields: ["age"], id: "f46c81f3-8874-4b2a-a546-7878e4337653" },

                // Iterate over risk associations
                riskAssociations.forEach((risk) => {
                    // Check if ALL associated fields are false
                    const allFalse = risk.fields.every((field) => userRiskDataNoRisk[field] === false);
                    if (allFalse) {

                // Debugging: log the item IDs for the norisks repeater
                console.log("Item IDs to show for norisks: ", itemIdsToShowForNoRisks);

                // Apply the filter to the #nonrisk dataset
                const datasetNoRisks = $w("#nonrisk"); // Dataset connected to #norisks
                const filterNoRisks = wixData.filter().hasSome("_id", itemIdsToShowForNoRisks);

                // Handle visibility of the #Norisksection
                datasetNoRisks.onReady(() => {
                    if (datasetNoRisks.getTotalCount() === 0) {
                        $w("#Norisksection").hide(); // Hide the section if no items to display
                    } else {
                        $w("#Norisksection").show(); // Ensure the section is visible if there are items
        .catch((error) => {
            console.error("Error querying 'AssessRiskLevels':", error);

    // Expand/Collapse functionality for #noriskbox inside each item in #norisks
    $w("#norisks").onItemReady(($item) => {
        // Collapse #noriskbox by default

        // Expand the #noriskbox on clicking #down3
        $item("#down3").onClick(() => {

        // Collapse the #noriskbox on clicking #up3
        $item("#up3").onClick(() => {

    // Expand/Collapse functionality for #expandedbox inside each item in #activerisk
    $w("#activerisk").onItemReady(($item) => {
        $item("#expandedbox").collapse(); // Collapse by default

        $item("#down1").onClick(() => {

        $item("#up1").onClick(() => {

    // Expand/Collapse functionality for #borderexpand inside each item in #borderrepeater
    $w("#borderrepeater").onItemReady(($item) => {
        $item("#borderexpand").collapse(); // Collapse by default

        $item("#down2").onClick(() => {

        $item("#up2").onClick(() => {


Hi, founder53806 !!

How about setting the Max H value for the repeater and the section? :thinking: You can do this by toggling on the “Advanced settings” option in the size settings section. Additionally, adjusting the repeater’s margin or the section’s padding might help you find a solution. :raised_hands: