I have a site with an events repeater. Lists all events and when you click into an event from the main list the events page shows. This all works perfectly after a lot of effect with coding and dates.
However while the events link to a 3rd party site to sell tickets I have been asked to set it up so that we can sell our own tickets.
I have done this with wordpress before using easy paypal events plugin
but I dont see a free alternative on wix, if anyone knows any or one that takes a fee please let me know .
Alternatively I have been looking at wix events and tickets plugin. I am fine with the back end but is it possible to integrate it into an existing repeater or place buy buttons on events pages,
What I would like to do is ad a table like on this site showing dates and enabling people to book tickets
Can anyone point me to a good tutorial or resources to show me how to do this