Send a triggered email to all members after onclick button

is it possible to send a triggered email to all members of the site after a form submission (on a onClick event)?
I want to inform members by email when another member submit a new element to the site.

Hello, any help please? It’s however a basic function, no?


Apparently you cannot retrieve all users from the site (

So what you should do is create a collection where you store the info you need (email…). When you need to send an email to all users, parse the collection and send mail for each record. See

Hello, thank you for your answer !

So it’s not possible to access list of users !
If I want to follow steps in your 2nd link, I have to create a collection with informations of users but how can I hold these data? Manually? Or there is maybe a way to do it automatically when a user log in. If it’s possible, how can I do that?

Thank you.

For new users, when the user signs-up, just use the sign-up information for populate your own Collection.

For existing users, I do not see any other option than populating your collection next time they connect.

Thank you, but how can I collect informations from sign up to enter in my collection?

Check this : Page Not Found - Velo API Reference -

I don’t manage registration on my website, that’s to say users can sign up on serveral private pages, so where can I retrieve sign up informations if I don’t manage it in a particular page?

Could you be more precise regarding the private pages? Do you mean they sign up on other sites and then are redirected to you site?

No, I mean I don’t have a page where I use register() function ! It’s automatic : when a user try to access a private page, he has to sign up or log in (the basic wix lightbox appears) ! So where and when I can retrieve sign up informations if I don’t manage it on a specific page?