Send eMail after successfull payment even if customer not subscribed

Hi all,

We are selling digital products and once the payment is confirmed we are sending a generated licencekey to the customer via Triggered Mails.
This works fine for users who subscribed or better said don’t unsubscribe to our newsletter but a lot of customers are unsubscribing to our newsletter and therefor we can’t send them automatically the license key via triggered mail as triggered mails can only be sent to subscribed or “never subscribed” contacts but never to “unsubscribed”

Anyone has an idea how to improve our flow or can recommend the correct helping page?


Wix Editor → Triggered Mails

What are you trying to achieve:
We want to make the purchase experience the smoothest possible for our customers.

What have you already tried:
We already tried to use code to subscribe the customers if they make a purchase but that’s not working.

Additional information:
We are also open to use 3rd party if you can recommend anything else?

Do you use a normal Wix Checkout process?

I’m pretty sure e-mail is required to check-out and that Wix has a standard confirmation e-mail sent when people buy stuff.

In your dashboard sidebar you can check Automations and then click “Installed for you”

You can also test if you get an e-mail by giving yourself a 100% discount coupon code and then do the check out process.

Alternatively, if there are no automations made for you, you can make your own.

I’m pretty sure these kind of automations overrule the “no to e-mails” selection, since it’s important system updates (like a confirmation of a payment).


Unfortunately this is not working as this approach can’t handle dynamic values retrieved from an event.

Maybe you need a SendGrid solution?

Look it up, it’s not too difficult.


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Appreciate it! Marked as solution.

Simple & fast.

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No problem!

Have a good day :seedling: