Sending Data to Lightbox ... Easy fix hopefully! : )

I have read through similar posts and tried to adapt without success.
All I am trying to do is send the content of a textbox on a page, to a textbox on a lightbox…

My code so far…

On page…
export function button1_click() {
let QUIZID = ($w(‘#quizID’).text).toString();
wixWindow.openLightbox(“Lightbox1”,{data: QUIZID});

On Lightbox…
$w.onReady(function () {
$w(‘#lightboxID’).text = (wixWindow.lightbox.getContext()).toString();

Both have
import wixWindow from ‘wix-window’;
in top line of code.

I am trying to transfer the contents of $w(‘#quizID’).text on page to $w(‘#lightboxID’).text on lightbox.

Please help.

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You should be able to pass the text using the data parameter of the openLightbox() function.

I hope that helps,


OK, I’ll give that a go : ]