I am building a website for a client who provides carpet cleaning services. Their services are priced per sq ft/sq m, not hourly. For example, carpet cleaning is charged per 250 sqft, so they want the client to be able to add the “quantity” of rooms/areas like you would in an e-commerce store. They also have additional fees based on travel time to the customers location.
Basically, it seems like what they would would be a blend of the Bookings App with an online store, which from what I understand, is not currently supported by Wix.
I am using Wix Studio
What are you trying to achieve:
I am trying to set up a service booking page that works like this, where the user can multiple of each service type and also select a service date/time.
What have you already tried:
Here’s what I’ve tried:
Wix Bookings
- Doesn’t allow the user to easily add multiple of each services (i.e. 2 rooms for cleaning). To do this you have to go back to the main services page and add it again, so you end up with a list that looks like, this, instead of just “Service 1 x 3”
– Service 1
– Service 1
– Service 1 - it does not allow customization of the form on the checkout page (even though this article says it does).
- Doesn’t allow for product selection to be tied to a time block
- May be able to include a date selector to the checkout page form, but it’s not very functional
I’ve looked at Wix Functions, YouTube tutorials to add a calendar into the store checkout form with JS, multiple video tutorials on the Wix booking system.
Any insight into how to achieve this would be greatly appreciated!