set two filters on dataset

OK I am running an events site
I have one collection that displays events on a dynamic page and then a user clicks through to the “title” page or single event page.

However I want to display a list of similar events on page
I have done this and linked it via the first data set genre field like this tutorial com/watch?v=_F1XKv1cUIU

That works however when I code in a set filter to remove older events it stops working
I know one is over riding the other but is there a way to put in both or what is the code needed to show similar events/products like in the video

this is my code for what it is worth

$w . onReady ( function () {

$w ( "#dataset1" ). onReady (() => { 

    **let**  sToday  =  **new**  Date (); 

    $w ( "#dataset1" ) .setFilter(wixData.filter().ge("date", sToday)); 


How to set MULTIPLE FILTERS on a DATASET using → CODE ???

import wixData from 'wix-data';

$w.onReady(function () {console.log("Page is ready..");
    $w("#dataset1").onReady(() => {console.log("Dataset is ready...");



function start_FilterEngine(params) {
    //setting the current date...
    let todayDate = new Date(); console.log("Todays-DAte: ", todayDate);
    let myFilter = wixData.filter();   "date", todayDate);
    myFilter.contains("title", "Searchvalue1-here");
    myFilter.eq("whatever-DB-Field", "Searchvalue2-here");
    .then(() => {
         console.log("Dataset is now filtered");
    .catch( (err) => {

This is just an example…
Modify and expand the shown code to your own needs.

Added a missing part (marked in orange), my bad!

Just found another post of you.

do not open several post onto one and the same issue (at least link them together).

And you should make clear which way you go →


Thanks I know I have put up a couple of posts I am new to vix and finding the code had to follow and also very few helpful videos when it comes to the actual code