Setting up a WIX quiz with grading.

I see there is a Quiz with WIX forms and payments but its seems to be just a user input form because you can put in questions and collect information from a user and that info goes in to a database that automatically get created when you set it up. This does not seem like a quiz in my mind. There is no functions for selection of correct answer when setting up questions. I think I have the general idea of what is needed and supposed to happen can someone guide me in the right direction and let me know if there is something that I am not thinking about or missing? Is this something that can be accomplished with WIX I think it can but will require some code. Or is this not possible on WIX platform?

Part 1
I’m wanting to create a set of questions multiple choice and true false using checkbox with options that a user can select their answer. And have a database that contains the correct answers within the fields something named Q1 for question 1 answer, Q2 for question2 and so on. I would have may questions all on a page and a submit button at the end that would cause the user input choices to compare what they have selected to the database that contains the correct answers.

Part 2
Once the connection and check of user input to database happens. I would like to have the user see a result with a grade that could tell them what percentage they got based on how many answers they got correct to the total number of questions. For example if they answered 50 questions and they only got 38 questions right they would get a 76 for a grade.

Part 3
Once the user has completed the quiz and gotten a passing grade lets say for now that’s a 70 grade and higher that they could have a badge assigned to them. Which I think that can be done using WIX automations