Shopping cart code.

Hello community!

I need to create an event or something similar in wix corvid that will allow me to count the total number of items in the cart. If the returned value is zero I would like to hide the shopping cart until that value is greater than one. Is this possible?


FaceTheMusic Media

You already know the answer.

For more info about using code with Wix Stores see here.

Theres no answer there. And the last post before the one I left has no response. Also these post are from 2018 so why are reacting as if I shouldn’t ask questions? Isn’t that the purpose of the forum? As a paying customer I should not have to feel like an inconvenience for asking a question. Anyway, you have a nice day. I’ll keep checking for the updates.

Yes I completely agree with your comment and feel free to keep asking questions if you need to. :+1:

However, going by that previous forum post answer and the fact that if this had been implemented since then, I am pretty sure that this would have been mentioned in a latest update email to us all or mentioned within the Wix Stores support pages so that users could use that function.

Anyways, have a good day yourself and I hope that this does get implemented for you soon, or at least a workaround using code at least.:crossed_fingers: