Show/Hide Text Using Reveal

I want to show and hide text using the reveal option.
Obv can do this with show but it is possible to use hide with reverse reveal so to speak?

I thought something like this might work

setTimeout( function () {
$w( “#text5” ).hide( “Reveal” );}, 6000 );

but it doesn’t! Is this possible? Thanks.

There is no “Reveal” in the API . What’s wrong with show() ?

Thank you for replying. I wanted a reveal such as the animation on a text box. I’m trying to recreate something like the pink writing on this site here - Home - Hudson Sandler LLP

You can use the animations available in the show() API , or you can use the wix-animations API for more complex effects.

Or you can create your own using the Typewriter example as a place to start.

Thank you - will give it a go!