Show more link in expandable text box - content space will not collapse... why not?

Followed this wix tutorial to create a show more link ( and the link is created, but the inspector says the text box is absolutely positioned and set to a height of 800 some pixels. It is supposed to collapse and the boxes that follow are not more than 70px away, so the question is, why doesn’t it? See the preview page here:

Obviously absolutely positioned text boxes and a set height are not considered good practice for CSS and responsive development, and that is where the problem lies. The tutorials said if the boxes that follow are not more than 70px away that the expandable text box will contract. However it does not. Paid wix support sent us here to ask for help and said this was too difficult for them to assist with. The code is exactly as provided by the wix tut with the text box ID# and button name updated. The button works, but the space does not collapse.

If we were building this feature in a site outside of the wix proprietary platform this issue would be easy to fix, but because we don’t have access to the actual page code, we are unable to do basic testing and fixes. If anyone can assist me in troubleshooting this it would be much appreciated.


a work around to solve this would be to set the size of the box in the minimum height u want and placing the button under it. then set the text value by code:

fullText = "I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It's easy.blah blah blah.... "

then set the text value to either short or full text as in the tutorial.

I hope this helps

That solution works! Thank you for that. But I need to fix one issue with this solution - how to render the
tags within the string as actual html? If you click the showmore button on this link, you will see the
tags show up as html tags within the text instead of creating actual paragraph breaks.

Can you advise on this? Thank you again.