show Multiple Markers Google Maps by reference?

any chance someone can help me how to set Multiple Markers in Google Maps by reference?
i find this amazing post But it’s a solution for only one maps… i want something a little bit different.
i have database of hotels and i want to make to each one google map with places near by.
so if i make #Location database with 4 fields:
Name, longitude , latitude and Hotel (reference to Hotel database).

any idea how to set it up in a dynamic page?


Hi Amirkerbis,

That’s an interesting requirement. You can probably implement it by filtering Location database by Hotel (Name), then add multiple markers to your Google Maps .

Hopefully it works for you!


Hi Ben,

Thanks for the reply.
any idea how to do that?
i need to edit the locations.jsw file?


Hi Amirkerbis,

You have to change your dataset name in the locations.jsw code. And populate your database (Locations) with the coordinates that you want to plot on your map. Lastly, don’t forget to change your Google Maps API key.
